Saturday, March 3, 2012

Instagram the No.1 mobile social network on the planet!

Instagram reached 25 million users and became the largest mobile social network on the planet!
Dirk Singer the owner of Rabbit, argues that the popular application for iPhone has just passed that figure, while Foursquare has 22 million users.
Singer's analysis was based on the unique number that each user has on Instagram webstites "Statigram" and "Ink361". The CEO of Instagram, Kevin Systrom has been the number 3, while the user @ holliejsmith the number 25,973,449. This, according to Singer Instagram means that close to 26 million and in December announced 16 million users.
Of course the analysis of URLs is not the most reliable way to discover the actual number of users and multiple pages can be used to test accounts, while lacking the numbers 1 and 2. The Instagram has not made ​​any official statement.

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