Saturday, December 31, 2011

Intel will present an LG Android in Medfield processor at CES

lg android
According to a report in the Korea Times, which claims the head of Intel Korea, Lee Hee-sung, Paul Otellini - President of Intel -will present at CES an LG smartphone  running Android and Medfield processor from Intel, with a possible release date in end of 2012. We recall that Intel is expected to turn Medfield processors designed for smartphone and tablet PC, the next week at CES.It is the first time Intel and LG together, since in the past and specifically in CES 2010 announced the LG GW990 - one of the firstdevices MeeGo, but plans quickly abandoned. Although there were reports in the newspaper for Android OS, unnamed member of the LG seems to be expressed doubts whether LG Electronics will release an Android smartphone based on the platform Intel. LGRumor want to take a great how to use processors from Intel, and perhaps one of the reasons the new Medfield chip will be releasedfirst from LG. So far neither company has not confirmed the report.

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