Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Samsung: New products and investments to develop

Samsung: New products and investments to develop
The President of Samsung, Lee Kun-Hee, revealed that the giant from Korea would "chase" the acquisition of small firms will invest keywords and develop products to reduce the stagnation in growth, according to reports AFP.
On New Year's speech, Lee said that existing businesses will face a difficult time on the issue of development as the world economy is in recession, but if you pay attention to new businesses and technologies may be opportunities in this crisis.
The President of Samsung said:
"The future is Samsung's new businesses, new products and new technologies. We must increase investment, jobs and focus on exports. We must change the business culture in ways more open and innovative. We must only think about new things and try to break every rule today."
Samsung, the largest technology company in the world from a side income. There has been growth in smartphones, tablets and memory modules, and is confronted with Apple several times in the market for mobile devices by pulling the attention of consumers.
The company is expected to release several new smartphones, tablets and other electronic products at CES next week, and of course the Geek News will keep you updated with ongoing reports.
Samsung: New products and investments to develop