Monday, May 7, 2012

Russia is third in world rankings in "spam"

According to recent reports of security company Symantec, Russia is currently third in world rankings in spam (unsolicited bulk messages) and sixth in the development and sharing of malware, following the U.S., China, India, Brazil and Germany. 

The most common targets are the blogs and social networks (19.2%), personal websites (15.6%), business or economic content websites (10%), music / entertainment portals (3.8%) and porn sites (2.4 %). Indeed, last November Russian lawmakers reached the point to suggest the first spamming offense is to be prosecuted ponika. 

As if this were not enough, the last year Russia won second place in the world ranking cyber-crime attacks that yielded estimated to hackers around the country $ 4.5 billion! It is worth noting that 36% of online crimes took place around the world in 2011 attributed to hackers who speak Russian.

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