Monday, April 2, 2012

IBM telescope will produce more data from the entire Internet

IBM is cooperating with ASTRON (the Netherlands Institute for Astronomy) to develop a next-generation PC that can handle the enormous information that will be pumped from the SKA.

SKA is an acronym for the Square Kilometer Array, a radio telescope with a range of 3 thousand kilometers to be completed in 2024 producing more data in one day from around the Internet (!)

The project is named DOME and essentially have to find a way to facilitate the management of an exabyte of information (about twice the data produced by the World Wide Web) daily. IBM will undertake the development of an entirely new processor architecture with low energy consumption before 2017, where he will begin building the telescope.

The company already has some ideas to achieve the target, such as 3D architecture of the chip and optical technology to connect the individual pieces. We shall, however, that graphene, a new promising conductive material will not be ready in time for the construction of the computer.

Ironically, the new supercomputer to store more data on old cassettes and remain until today the most economical way to store data. To a lesser extent used, also, solid-state disks and PCM (phase-stage media).

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