With the launch of Google Drive past the site data storage services grew further giving users yet another option. If you have not yet chosen a service in this publication will provide an overview of what each offers to decide based on your needs.
Obviously you can choose to use more than one service because there is no restriction or control. Let's see, then, for each service it offers:
Google Drive
5GB free
Junior plan: 25GB $ 2.49/month
Superior plan: 16TB $ 799.99/month
7GB free
Junior plan: 20GB $ 10/year
Senior plan: 100GB $ 50/year
2GB free
Junior plan: 50GB $ 9.99/month
Senior plan: 100GB $ 19.99/month
free 5BG
Junior plan: 25GB $ 9.99/month
Senior up: 50GB $ 19.99/month
5GB free
Junior plan: 30GB $ 4.99/month
Senior plan: 100GB $ 14.99/month
Beyond up and down all services offer the same things: common file sharing, personal sharing roundtrips. Perhaps, you find the following tablet particularly useful: