Thursday, March 1, 2012

All you need to know about the new privacy policy of Google

Despite the strong opposition of the EU, Google claims that it does not change anything substantial, since the services will collect new data but will use the same data in a more integrated way.

According to Big Brother Watch, only 12% of Google users have read the new security policy of Google. For this reason we present the major changes and how to select appropriate settings for you:

Google Accounts

The information collected by Google are related to user accounts. This means that whenever you are logged into the account (either on YouTube, Google + etc), Google monitors your movements and record the location, habits, friends, interests you and many others. Let's see how we can limit access.

History Web: Every time you navigate through the Internet (ontas connected to your Google Account), all websites visited are stored in the Web History of your account (you can see it here). From there you can choose if you want to record all the pages you visit, only the searches you or anything. If you choose to disable completely the function of history, Google can not use this information to provide you with personalized results and advertisements.
History YouTube: Just as you can see the history of YouTube that records video and your searches. If you want to maximize your privacy, you can delete all data on and off the record by selecting "Clear all search history" and "Pause", respectively.
Gmail: If you want to prevent Google from stores all your conversations, you can do it through the Settings of Gmail. If you want to delete everything saved so far, can see the folder 'Chats'.
Ads Preferences: From here you can choose whether you want to keep or disable the "id" cookie that Google represents to your account. Depending on the information listed in your profile (various services), Google may have a very accurate picture of gender, age, location and interests you.
For the rest of ypresies Google, you can have a look at Google Dashboard.

What else can you do

Removed the Google Toolbar: If you use Internet Explorer or Firefox, you can remove the Google Toolbar, an add-on that gives you instant access to search history, bookmarks and email you, at the cost of providing information on the location and Your activity on third-parties.
Do not connect your account: At least when you can avoid it, it will not be linked to your account, but even so, Google is able to record part of your business.

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