The Yahoo has decided to provide a more personalized way of new information ,with which users can read the news that interest them by age, sex and place of residence.
The new tool called CORE (Content Optimization and Relevance Engine) and uses advanced algorithms that suggest your material depending on what tend to read more users with features closer to yours. In essence it is the same system used by Yahoo on its home page to display personalized results.
As the company reveals:
The home page of Yahoo receives 300% more visits from the integration of CORE
Each time the CORE process 1.2 Terabyte of data users, a number that corresponds to 644,245,094 printed pages.
Every day, CORE personifies 2.2 billion articles.
The new website can be found here. All you have to do is to choose the gender, age group and category of news that interests you and be informed about what is happening every moment in the world.