Sunday, January 15, 2012

Became friends with your parents on Facebook. Maybe we should think again?

facebook parents

If you recently received an unusual Friend Request ... by your parents, think hard before you do anything. According to a recent survey of Lab42, the most of parents' habit of spying on their children on Facebook, with a large percentage of 43% to do, even on a daily basis!

As support, the reasons that lead up to the internet have to do mainly with security issues (40%) and curiosity (15%). Among the main causes of concern is whether Facebook distracts from the reading (56%) or friends and relatives (45%), while interacting with strangers (41%) and finally if you exercise (17%) or agree (16 %), maliciously teasing and violence from their schoolmates.

And while so far so good and to some extent expected, the survey indicates that 72% of parents know even the codes of his children! These and many other useful information that will help you decide whether to finally tap-longed for your parents-'Accept' you will find the following Infographic:
facebook parents


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