Thursday, December 29, 2011

The next iPad will have 8 megapixel camera and better battery


DigiTimes reports that the next iPad will have a huge battery, almost double the current of 6579 mAH, in 14.000mAH. TheApple uses batteries from Simplo Technology and Dynapack, but no company wanted to comment on rumors.
Furthermore, Apple is expected to present two new models iPad, "a high-performance and one for lower requirements" according to another source DigiTimes. Extra talk about new iPads will occur in late Ianourariou Macworld, an event in which Apple does not intend to attend and from which he removed the last two years.
The well known 7.85 inch iPad is no longer in the plans of the company. Instead, they make up a larger screen resolution and addedLED bars for greater brightness. This justifies the need for a larger battery.
Finally, apart from Samsung will build the new A6 processor in Texas, the new iPad will have camera 5 με 8 megapixel camerasfrom Samsung and Sony.

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